Friday, April 4, 2014

Esperanto, Directed Homotopy, Computational n-Plectic Manifolds, and a Globally Unitary Currency

Plektikoin: A unit of entangled utility expressed as a polynomial ratio which characterizes its relative density and magnitude.
Isoplekt: A dependency, distributed conditionalization or hierarchical directionalization within economic computing fabrics.
Teleoplectoid: A unit of economic transaction in the globally unitary “language” of plektikoins.

"The Runcinated 120-cell is a polytope. It is Archimedean in the sense that its organization at every vertex is the same, and all its chambers are Archimedean polyhedra too: regular dodecahedra, prisms with regular pentagonal base and square sides, prisms with equilateral triangular base and square sides, and regular tetrahedra. Here, these objects are respectively represented green, purple, yellow and orange. To represent the object, it is projected orthogonally to the three dimensionnal space and then rendered into a 2D image."


  1. "To see why the hypocycloid with n cusps moves snugly inside a hypocycloid with n+1 cusps, it helps to think about a related surprise. Recall that the special unitary group SU(n) consists of n×n unitary matrices with determinant 1. In fact, the set of complex numbers that are the trace of some matrix in the group SU(n) is filled-in hypocycloid with n cusps! This is discussed here:- See more at:

  2. "The main advantages of fabrics are that a massive concurrent processing combined with a huge, tightly-coupled address space makes it possible to solve huge computing problems (such as those presented by delivery of cloud computing services) and that they are both scalable and able to be dynamically reconfigured.

  3. "In particle physics, a plekton is a theoretical kind of particle, which obeys a different style of statistics with respect to the interchange of identical particles. That is, it would be neither a boson nor a fermion, but subject to a braid statistics. Such particles have been discussed as a generalization of the braid characteristics of the anyon to dimension > 2."

  4. "To put the above informal discussion of braid groups on firm ground, one needs to use the homotopy concept of algebraic topology, defining braid groups as fundamental groups of a configuration space. This is outlined in the article on braid theory."
